Goblin House |
This is, of course, the 2013 Christmas release. I only just got round to doing it -- it's been sat in the box on the table in the hobby room for 12 months. So I cleaned it up, assembled it, filled some small gaps in the joins with miliput and undercoated it. The walls then got coats of Americana "Toffee" which I use for plasterwork on buildings; I think white looks too stark and greys are cold. The stones got two coats of neutral grey and then staining with inks and a drybrush of Howard Hues "Old Wood" as is usual for stonework. Then I went to work with foliage; I decided it would be more useful to turn the "snow" into overgrowth. The roof snow was painted green and then covered with Noch Olive Leaves. The ivy is something that (I think) Warlord sell. The wood got my traditional khaki/light brown/old wood drybrushing and then the metalwork picked out in various CDA colours and several washes of Army Painter inks. The damage on the walls similarly got washes and daubs of ink.
Princess Julianna Dwarfs |
This is half of the limited edition box set -- I thought they looked a bit plain with being duplicate poses, so I added some character by giving them all extra stuff to carry about. In keeping with the idea that they're the staff of a brewery, they're all carrying things that would be part of their jobs; so the chap with the big copper kettle is the brewmeister. The paychest is being carried by the bookkeeper, the nightwatchman has a lamp hanging from his pack and Hans the Cooper is carrying around a barrel. They make a nice 300 point section.
The other half of the box set is also pointed up and makes up 300p of reinforcements but they don't have the customisations.
Von Rottes |
Another 300 point section comes from the Von Rotte infantry -- resplendent in their red uniforms with blue turn-backs. They're accompanied by Von Rotte himself on Bristle.
Dwarf Landwehr |
This is the largest of my Flintloque sections. Yes. That's
nineteen figures in 300 points. Well, they are mostly militia. The sergeants are regulars (so they can have grenades!). These figures were actually bought in 1999 (the delivery note turned up in a stack of paperwork I was sorting out) when I was planning on taking up Slaughterloo. They're in blue uniforms and red turnbacks/hatbands which means they can take on the role of militia attached to either the Ferach or Orcish forces.