Monday, 13 May 2013

A few weeks back we had another decent size ACW skirmish game and Dan grabbed some pictures. So here I am shamelessly stealing them for the blog...

So this is a decent way through the game -- the objective is to take and hold the crossroads which is in the centre of this image hidden by the trees.

The union main body -- a few sharpshooters and some line infantry commanded by a major -- have taken the walls around the crossroads. The yellow dots are marking figures eligible to shoot. In games this size it starts getting hard to remember who moved, who's unloaded etc without some markers.
The confederate main advance is moving down the road towards them while more infantry shelter in the woods.

Meanwhile, once gain on the right flank, the Zouaves are engaged in another slog against more line infantry across another cornfield. (I swear I really have bought the flags for these guys now... they just arrived after this game).

The game ended with the main confederate body having reach the crossroads, but both flanks dissolving under fire -- on the right from some Feds armed with repeating rifles (which it turns out are dead handy for this sort of thing) and on the left by simply being outnumbered. Another couple of turns and they'd have been surrounded, so it was a pretty much a weak victory for the Union (because they took a lot of casualties to get there).

Finally, after all the weekends spent working, got back to painting. This is a section of Elf Voltigeur for Flintloque -- the guys at the club are up for having a game. As ever, if I provide the figures.. :-)

They're actually from an original edition box set I picked up ages ago at a Bring&Buy at (I think) Salute. I got Sharke's Victory and Deadloque 1st ed ages ago when they were relatively newly released, so when I saw a reasonably priced base set considered it a bargain to get the actual rules.

Painted with a mix of VJ and CDA with Army Painter washes. Still need bases doing, but it was late Sunday before I'd got the colours on.

Next weekend I'll have a bash at the Orcs to go with them. Then we can try it out. And then if it flies, I can paint the other couple of hundred quidworth of figures which are stored under my table. Some of them are still in the original blister packs...